Climate Data Online: Web Services Documentation

Getting Started with Web Services v2

NCDC's Climate Data Online (CDO) offers web services that provide access to current data. This API is for developers looking to create their own scripts or programs that use the CDO database of weather and climate data. An access token is required to use the API, and each token will be limited to five requests per second and 10,000 requests per day.

Step 1: Request token

In order to access the CDO web services a token must first be obtained from the token request page.

Step 2: Make a request

To make a request use the base url with one of the endpoint paths appended.

Base URL{endpoint}


Endpoint Description
/datasets A dataset is the primary grouping for data at NCDC.
/datacategories A data category is a general type of data used to group similar data types.
/datatypes A data type is a specific type of data that is often unique to a dataset.
/locationcategories A location category is a grouping of similar locations.
/locations A location is a geopolitical entity.
/stations A station is a any weather observing platform where data is recorded.
/data A datum is an observed value along with any ancillary attributes at a specific place and time.


header usage Description
token curl -H "token:<token>" "url"
$.ajax({ url:<url>, data:{<data>}, headers:{ token:<token> } })
The token obtained from the token request page.


Parameter Example Description
limit 50 Limits the amount of results returned to 50.
offset 85 Begin with record number 85.

Step 3: Get a response

All responses are JSON and will be a single item or a collection of items with metadata.

Single item

	"id": "GSOY",
	"name": "Global Summary of the Year",
	"datacoverage": 1,
	"mindate": "1763-01-01",
	"maxdate": "2015-01-01"

Collection of items with metadata

	"results": [
			"id": "GSOY",
			"name": "Global Summary of the Year",
			"datacoverage": 1,
			"mindate": "1763-01-01",
			"maxdate": "2015-01-01"
	"metadata": {
		"resultset": {
			"limit": 25,
			"count": 11,
			"offset": 1


All of the CDO data are in datasets. The containing dataset must be known before attempting to access its data.


Path Description{id} Used to find information about dataset with id of {id} When used without optional parameters, fetches list of available datasets. Use with optional parameters below to filter results

Additional Parameters

Parameter Example Description
datatypeid ACMH Optional. Accepts a valid data type id or a chain of data type ids separated by ampersands (e.g. datatypeid=TAVG&datatypeid=TOBS) or a common separated list (e.g. datatypeid=TAVG,TOBS). Datasets returned will contain all of the data type(s) specified
locationid FIPS:37 Optional. Accepts a valid location id or a chain of location ids separated by ampersands (e.g. locationid=FIPS:37&locationid=FIPS:45) or a common separated list (e.g. locationid=FIPS:37,FIPS:45). Datasets returned will contain data for the location(s) specified
stationid COOP:010957 Optional. Accepts a valid station id or a chain of station ids separated by ampersands (e.g. stationid=COOP:310090&stationid=COOP:310184) or a common separated list (e.g. stationid=COOP:310090,COOP:310184). Datasets returned will contain data for the station(s) specified
startdate 1970-10-03 Optional. Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd). Datasets returned will have data after the specified date. Paramater can be use independently of enddate
enddate 2012-09-10 Optional. Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd). Datasets returned will have data before the specified date. Paramater can be use independently of startdate
sortfield name Optional. The field to sort results by. Supports id, name, mindate, maxdate, and datacoverage fields
sortorder desc Optional. Which order to sort by, asc or desc. Defaults to asc
limit 42 Optional. Defaults to 25, limits the number of results in the response. Maximum is 1000
offset 24 Optional. Defaults to 0, used to offset the resultlist. The example would begin with record 24


Click on the links below and a preview will display example results from
each REST query. Copy the URL listed below to use as a reference.
*Note: Assigned token is required to use these queries and must be in the header

Data Categories

Data Categories represent groupings of data types.


Path Description{id} Used to find information about datacategory with id of {id} When used without optional parameters, fetches list of available datacategories. Use with optional parameters below to filter results

Additional Parameters

Parameter Example Description
datasetid GSOM Optional. Accepts a valid dataset id or a chain of dataset ids separated by ampersands. Data categories returned will be supported by dataset(s) specified
locationid FIPS:37 Optional. Accepts a valid location id or a chain of location ids separated by ampersands. Data categories returned will contain data for the location(s) specified
stationid COOP:310301 Optional. Accepts a valid station id or a chain of of station ids separated by ampersands. Data categories returned will contain data for the station(s) specified
startdate 1970-10-03 Optional. Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd). Data categories returned will have data after the specified date. Paramater can be use independently of enddate
enddate 2012-09-10 Optional. Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd). Data categories returned will have data before the specified date. Paramater can be use independently of startdate
sortfield name Optional. The field to sort results by. Supports id, name, mindate, maxdate, and datacoverage fields
sortorder desc Optional. Which order to sort by, asc or desc. Defaults to asc
limit 42 Optional. Defaults to 25, limits the number of results in the response. Maximum is 1000
offset 24 Optional. Defaults to 0, used to offset the resultlist. The example would begin with record 24


Click on the links below and a preview will display example results from
each REST query. Copy the URL listed below to use as a reference.
*Note: Assigned token is required to use these queries and must be in the header

Data Types

Describes the type of data, acts as a label. If it's 64°f out right now, then the data type is Air Temperature and the data is 64.


Path Description{id} Used to find information about the data type with id of {id} When used without optional parameters, fetches list of available data types. Use with optional parameters below to filter results

Additional Parameters

Parameter Example Description
datasetid GSOM Optional. Accepts a valid dataset id or a chain of dataset ids separated by ampersands. Data types returned will be supported by dataset(s) specified
locationid FIPS:37 Optional. Accepts a valid location id or a chain of location ids separated by ampersands. Data types returned will be applicable for the location(s) specified
stationid COOP:010957 Optional. Accepts a valid station id or a chain of station ids separated by ampersands. Data types returned will be applicable for the station(s) specified
datacategoryid TEMP Optional. Accepts a valid data category id or a chain of data category ids separated by ampersands (although it is rare to have a data type with more than one data category). Data types returned will be associated with the data category(ies) specified
startdate 1970-10-03 Optional. Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd). Data types returned will have data after the specified date. Paramater can be use independently of enddate
enddate 2012-09-10 Optional. Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd). Data types returned will have data before the specified date. Paramater can be use independently of startdate
sortfield name Optional. The field to sort results by. Supports id, name, mindate, maxdate, and datacoverage fields
sortorder desc Optional. Which order to sort by, asc or desc. Defaults to asc
limit 42 Optional. Defaults to 25, limits the number of results in the response. Maximum is 1000
offset 24 Optional. Defaults to 0, used to offset the resultlist. The example would begin with record 24


Click on the links below and a preview will display example results from
each REST query. Copy the URL listed below to use as a reference.
*Note: Assigned token is required to use these queries and must be in the header

Location Categories

Location categories are groupings of locations under an applicable label.


Path Description{id} Used to find information about the location category with id of {id} When used without optional parameters, fetches list of available location categories. Use with optional parameters below to filter results

Additional Parameters

Parameter Example Description
datasetid GSOM Optional. Accepts a valid dataset id or a chain of dataset ids separated by ampersands. Location categories returned will be supported by dataset(s) specified
startdate 1970-10-03 Optional. Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd). Location categories returned will have data after the specified date. Paramater can be use independently of enddate
enddate 2012-09-10 Optional. Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd). Location categories returned will have data before the specified date. Paramater can be use independently of startdate
sortfield name Optional. The field to sort results by. Supports id, name, mindate, maxdate, and datacoverage fields
sortorder desc Optional. Which order to sort by, asc or desc. Defaults to asc
limit 42 Optional. Defaults to 25, limits the number of results in the response. Maximum is 1000
offset 24 Optional. Defaults to 0, used to offset the resultlist. The example would begin with record 24


Click on the links below and a preview will display example results from
each REST query. Copy the URL listed below to use as a reference.
*Note: Assigned token is required to use these queries and must be in the header


Locations can be a specific latitude/longitude point such as a station, or a label representing a bounding area such as a city.


Path Description{id} Used to find information about the location with id of {id}. When used without optional parameters, fetches list of available locations. Use with optional parameters below to filter results.

Additional Parameters

Parameter Example Description
datasetid GSOM Optional. Accepts a valid dataset id or a chain of dataset ids separated by ampersands. Locations returned will be supported by dataset(s) specified.
locationcategoryid CITY Optional. Accepts a valid location id or a chain of location category ids separated by ampersands. Locations returned will be in the location category(ies) specified.
datacategoryid TEMP Optional. Accepts a valid data category id or an array of data category IDs. Locations returned will be associated with the data category(ies) specified.
startdate 1970-10-03 Optional. Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd). Locations returned will have data after the specified date. Paramater can be use independently of enddate.
enddate 2012-09-10 Optional. Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd). Locations returned will have data before the specified date. Paramater can be use independently of startdate.
sortfield name Optional. The field to sort results by. Supports id, name, mindate, maxdate, and datacoverage fields.
sortorder desc Optional. Which order to sort by, asc or desc. Defaults to asc.
limit 42 Optional. Defaults to 25, limits the number of results in the response. Maximum is 1000.
offset 24 Optional. Defaults to 0, used to offset the resultlist. The example would begin with record 24.


Click on the links below and a preview will display example results from
each REST query. Copy the URL listed below to use as a reference.
*Note: Assigned token is required to use these queries and must be in the header


Stations are where the data comes from (for most datasets) and can be considered the smallest granual of location data. If the desired station is known, all of its data can quickly be viewed


Path Description{id} Used to find information about station with id of {id} When used without optional parameters, fetches list of available stations. Use with optional parameters below to filter results

Additional Parameters

Parameter Example Description
datasetid GSOM Optional. Accepts a valid dataset id or a chain of dataset ids separated by ampersands. Stations returned will be supported by dataset(s) specified
locationid FIPS:37 Optional. Accepts a valid location id or a chain of location ids separated by ampersands. Stations returned will contain data for the location(s) specified
datacategoryid TEMP Optional. Accepts a valid data category id or an array of data category ids. Stations returned will be associated with the data category(ies) specified
datatypeid ACMH Optional. Accepts a valid data type id or a chain of data type ids separated by ampersands. Stations returned will contain all of the data type(s) specified
extent 47.5204,-122.2047,47.6139,-122.1065 Optional. The desired geographical extent for search. Designed to take a parameter generated by Google Maps API V3 LatLngBounds.toUrlValue. Stations returned must be located within the extent specified.
startdate 1970-10-03 Optional. Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd). Stations returned will have data after the specified date. Paramater can be use independently of enddate
enddate 2012-09-10 Optional. Accepts valid ISO formated date (yyyy-mm-dd). Stations returned will have data before the specified date. Paramater can be use independently of startdate
sortfield name Optional. The field to sort results by. Supports id, name, mindate, maxdate, and datacoverage fields
sortorder desc Optional. Which order to sort by, asc or desc. Defaults to asc
limit 42 Optional. Defaults to 25, limits the number of results in the response. Maximum is 1000
offset 24 Optional. Defaults to 0, used to offset the resultlist. The example would begin with record 24


Click on the links below and a preview will display example results from
each REST query. Copy the URL listed below to use as a reference.
*Note: Assigned token is required to use these queries and must be in the header


The data endpoint is used for actually fetching the data.


Path Description Requires exactly one dataset id. Used to fetch data.

Additional Parameters

Parameter Example Description
datasetid GSOM Required. Accepts a single valid dataset id. Data returned will be from the dataset specified.
datatypeid ACMH Optional. Accepts a valid data type id or a chain of data type ids separated by ampersands. Data returned will contain all of the data type(s) specified.
locationid FIPS:37 Optional. Accepts a valid location id or a chain of location ids separated by ampersands. Data returned will contain data for the location(s) specified.
stationid GHCND:US1NCBC0005 Optional. Accepts a valid station id or a chain of of station ids separated by ampersands. Data returned will contain data for the station(s) specified.
startdate 1970-10-03 Required. Accepts valid ISO formated date (YYYY-MM-DD) or date time (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss). Data returned will be after the specified date. Annual and Monthly data will be limited to a ten year range while all other data will be limted to a one year range.
enddate 2012-09-10 Required. Accepts valid ISO formated date (YYYY-MM-DD) or date time (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss). Data returned will be before the specified date. Annual and Monthly data will be limited to a ten year range while all other data will be limted to a one year range.
units metric Optional. Accepts the literal strings 'standard' or 'metric'. Data will be scaled and converted to the specified units. If a unit is not provided then no scaling nor conversion will take place.
sortfield name Optional. The field to sort results by. Supports id, name, mindate, maxdate, and datacoverage fields.
sortorder desc Optional. Which order to sort by, asc or desc. Defaults to asc.
limit 42 Optional. Defaults to 25, limits the number of results in the response. Maximum is 1000.
offset 24 Optional. Defaults to 0, used to offset the resultlist. The example would begin with record 24.
includemetadata false Optional. Defaults to true, used to improve response time by preventing the calculation of result metadata.


Click on the links below and a preview will display example results from
each REST query. Copy the URL listed below to use as a reference.
*Note: Assigned token is required to use these queries and must be in the header