Storm Events Database

The Narrative Text Search feature allows the search of both the episode and event narratives based on keywords. The feature will look for narratives with occurrences of all keywords. When two letter state abbreviations are used (such as NC, VA, CA), the corresponding states are recognized and used to filter the results by state. The results are ordered by event date.

Search for 'Hurricane Katrina'
[try search]

Hurricane Katrina was a large event with many associated records in the Storm Events Database. Text searches are limited to 100 results so additional keywords are needed to define a more specific search.

Search for 'Hurricane Katrina tornado, FL'
[try search]

The narratives with the occurrences of 'Hurricane', 'Katrina' and 'tornado' are found. 'FL' is detected as a two letter state acronym so the results are filtered for just the state of Florida. This refined search produces only five results.